Thursday, November 22, 2012



                        By Laura-Jean Watson

The day had now come, and my work had begun.

The company would arrive before I was done.

I chopped, I shredded, I stirred, and I tasted

Completely unaware of the time that I’d wasted.


Devotional time today was ignored,

As through the kitchen with cookbooks in hand I roared.

I worked and prepared for them hours on end

And never thought once of all the souls I could tend.


Tense for perfection, my patience dissolved,

And I turned on mistakes made by others involved.

My love was muddled, my joy and peace gone,

But when my guests arrived, I tried a smile to don.


Dinner was great, but their souls went untouched.

I was left dismayed at the values I had clutched.

Then God brought Martha and Mary to mind

As He taught me then the truth I needed to find.


Jesus told Martha she was distracted

By extra preparations to which she was attracted.

I had left out the necessary part

By not planning the day with Jesus at the start.

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