Friday, November 16, 2012

Why Do We Do Block Parties?

Is it hard sometimes to invite someone to church?  Do you have any problems inviting people to a party?  Which is more inviting to someone in the community not connected to a church?  Both have their place, but a block party is a way into a life that might not be available through other means.

TouchGlobal block parties serve multiple purposes.  It is a way to have team members and church members engage with the community and make new connections.   People may walk on to a church property that they have never been to before.  Block parties are also held outside homes where teams are working.  Forms are available to help folks who need help after a crisis and hot food is served.  Some parties, such as the one just held in Hoboken, offer games and face painting combined with needed help and supplies.  Others are more involved with offering food, assistance, and supplies.  The goal is to make connections that will open the door to spiritual conversations.

A good question to ask people after a crisis is, “How are you holding up?”  This can open the door to sharing feelings and needs that they would not normally share.  You then have the opportunity to pray with them and see if you can assist in meeting any of their needs.  You may be able to help guide them to resources or ways they can get started on rebuilding their lives.  It is important to have a handout that tells them about the local church and how they can connect. 

Listen well to hear what they need and what you can help them with, and be believing that God can work in greater ways than we could ever imagine.  The primary goal is to bring people to Jesus.  We can help make this life more comfortable for people, but the real change needed is a spiritual change.  Block parties can be something informal, relaxing, interesting, and relevant to their needs.  Praying with people is an important part.  Sometimes, we need to take the food to them as they work on their projects.

Prayer is needed before, during, and after a block party.  God is the one who provides opportunities, changes hearts, and meets needs.  We need people supporting each block party in prayer.  Is that something you can commit to even if you cannot go?  The results will be much more amazing when we have approached God to move in miraculous ways and go before us.  Prayer walking is also an important part of outreach, and neighbors are engaged who we meet along the way.  Results in lives may be instant or take considerable time.  Continue to pray for people involved after the event.  Pray God will open hearts and draw people to Himself.  Pray  walls of opposition will be torn down and that people will find the answers they need and new life in Christ.

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