Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally Official

Six years ago, I joined with Hershey Free Church on a missions trip to New Orleans with ReachGlobal Crisis Response.  I saw God at work through this ministry changing lives in homeowners, volunteers, and staff.  I kept returning, often for two or three weeks at a time.  In December, I became an official staff member as a Communications Assistant.  My job includes developing video and photographic resources,  interviewing people, writing for online and print media, putting together displays and promotional material, helping with prayer cards for missionaries, and following up with homeowners, team leaders, and team members.  It is so exciting to see what God is doing through the ministry of ReachGlobal Crisis Response and to be able to publicize the opportunities available for churches!

I will not be taking a salary, but I will be raising support for my expenses.  I have been taking numerous trips to New Jersey and New Orleans, and I will soon be adding Staten Island to the list as we start sending teams there in May.

I have already been busy with:

* lots of writing,

* photographing teams, homeowners, and work sites,

* providing photos and videos to churches, staff, and colleges

* Providing handouts

* Setting up promotional displays

My highlights were when a couple expressed interest in serving in Haiti after reading one of my articles, and a thank you note from a church who used one of my videos to promote a missions trip.



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