Friday, January 4, 2019

The Body of Christ Working Together

One Harbor Volunteers Join ReachGlobal Crisis Response to Help

“So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.  Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them,” Romans 12:5-6a

After Hurricane Florence hit NC, Pastor Donnie drove through the community with multiple stops to help people.  He seems to know everyone!  People knew to contact him for help, and he would also check to see if others were okay.  A call came to help a woman with children who had no food.  He made arrangements for his wife to take them food.  There were multiple calls about holes in roofs.  We stopped, gathered information, prayed with people, put them on a list to be helped, and he was out the next day to help put on roof tarps.  Donnie was sensitive to emotional needs as well as physical ones.  It was evident that he was wired to be a first responder.

He was wise enough, however, to know that this was only his role for the first couple of weeks.  Confident in the abilities of his staff, he was able to step back and let others take the lead so he could continue with the job God had called him to do on a weekly basis.  The church joined with ReachGlobal Crisis Response to rebuild homes and lives in the community.

It was impressive to see how well the church as a whole responded.  Volunteers poured in to pray, prayer walk, provide meals for teams, write notes of encouragement to homeowners, go out on trauma care teams, help with home gutting, provide airport transportation, provide temporary staff housing, lead devotions, help with office work, and host teams at the church.  Everyone found a way to use their gifts to help the effort to restore lives in their community.

It will be exciting to see how God continues to use His church to reach this community with the love of Christ.  It is good to see the body of Christ working together as the hands and feet of Jesus.

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