Thursday, January 3, 2019

Not Beyond Change

Wawa sharing at Hershey Free Church

Looking at life in Haiti, it is easy to be discouraged.  I see many positive things, but there are life challenges too.  There are also many things that seem to be beyond change, but that is not true.  Nothing is stronger than God’s power.  Wawa said, “God keeps telling us, ‘I know what I’m doing,’ This is what keeps us encouraged.  I believe Haiti can change, because God is in it.”

That does not mean Wawa is sitting back and just waiting.  He is seeking what God would have him to do and partnering with God.  Wawa explained, “We are proud to be training students to lead, to change philosophy, to change churches, and to impact the community where they are located.  We have developed a team at STEP of professors and staff to influence students.”

Discipleship has indeed become the trademark of STEP seminary.  They do not want to simply transfer knowledge.  “It is not enough to know about God.  We need to actually know God,” explained Wawa. The professors are doing life together with students to develop disciples which involves meals and trips together so they can see how Christianity relates to life.  Students are then doing the same with others.  STEP is meeting life needs in the community through building projects, health care, and planting house churches.  More than 100 people have come to accept Christ as their savior through these house churches.  

Please pray for teachers, students, and graduates as they seek to transform the Haitian worldview.

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