Saturday, May 2, 2015

Willing to Risk Everything

In the countryside outside Kathmandu, a church service was being held when the ground began to shake.  The congregation fled the building.  As they reached safety outside, a nearby building collapsed, sending a large cloud of dust plunging toward the already frightened group.  The children panicked and ran back into the church.  One couple raced in to retrieve the children.  As the husband was once again exiting the building with the children he had rescued, he felt the building collapsing.  He grabbed for his wife, but only reached her scarf.  The force of the implosion knocked him out.  He lay on the ground clutching a piece of his wife’s scarf.  She and their three children were killed as the 3 story church was flattened like a pancake.  Please pray for this man and the many others dealing with tremendous loss and trauma.  Please give to help supply needs and rebuild lives.

PRAY for:
•The local churches to play a significant role in the ‘new normal’, one where the church is holistically caring for and serving their neighbors.
•Peace to overcome fear.

•Wisdom for local leaders and our assessment team in developing recovery strategies that tangibly express the Gospel.

GIVE to help these present and pressing needs, but also invest in the long-term recovery and ongoing Crisis Response ministry.
Email with questions or for more information on how you can be involved or  go to

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