Thursday, May 21, 2015

God Answers Prayer

Prayer walking in areas where we are serving has become an important part of our ministry.  There is a brick church in the Lower Ninth Ward well-known for the boarded up entrance with a warning painted in bright red letters, “Keep Out of God’s House”.   Many Crisis Response team members have stopped to pray for the future of this church flooded by Hurricane Katrina and for the surrounding neighborhood.  For nine years, nothing seemed to be happening, but God was at work.

Willie, a local homeowner we have been assisting, told us one day the church had been purchased and was being gutted.  A new sign announced the coming of Disciples of Christ Christian Church.  Lois Riska shared, “We called the number listed on the sign and arranged to meet Pastor Turner at his home. From the moment we met Darrell Turner, we were sure that God had called us to this project. He is a go-getter, pastoring the church, attending seminary, and restoring the  church building in the Lower Ninth, all while holding down his full-time job as chef for the Federal Reserve Bank of New Orleans.”

It is exciting to see how God answers our prayers in His timing.  Pastor Darrell shared his vision for this church to be a beacon of light in the community, “not just be a church in the community, but be a force in the community rebuilding it physically and spiritually.”  Keep praying for New Orleans and come on a team to be a part of rebuilding this church.

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