Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Shining Light

When life is good, people are not looking for God.  Jeff Jensen pointed out that in the story of Ruth and Naomi, Ruth witnessed how Naomi dealt with tragedy after tragedy.  Ruth saw something different in Naomi’s life.  She was living out the reality of God being God even in tragic situations.  Speaking of the Nebraska tornadoes, he added, “We need to look different when life is bad.  People are living out their faith and helping out their neighbors.”

Jeff Jensen, pastor of Geneva EFC wears many hats.  He works with the Red Cross and is Chaplain for the Fillmore County Sheriff/EMS.  These roles have prepared him to respond to the tornadoes in Nebraska.  The largely farm area cannot run machinery in fields until all debris is removed.  Three nearby high schools released students to help clear debris.  The church has been active through local congregations, teams coming from across the country, and financial donations.

Pastor Jensen said, “It is fun to see God get credit and locals get together. … It is refreshing to see the good side of people.”  He also recognizes the need for a long-term response.  Repairs take time.  He asked a question for ministry focus, “Lord what am I to do in this situation?”  The answer for his long range plan is “Love your neighbor.  Be real in your faith.  People should know they are loved and Jesus cares because of us.  The church is shining and reflecting Christ.”

His prayer request is that the church reach out as neighbors and not grow weary.  He wants people to see who we are and the glory to go to Christ.  His commitment is to do this for the long haul, because it is what God would have him to do.

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