Friday, February 21, 2014

Internships Change Lives

Why intern with Crisis Response? Megan Thomas interned in Haiti for 2 1/2 months and said it helped her learn more about how missions work practically and to see how short-term and long-term missions work together. Just living in a different culture opened her eyes to struggles and poverty others experience. Hannah Yowell interned in Haiti and loved the strong friendships she developed while there with both Americans and Haitians.

The experience helped her to pray better and think differently about missions.

Katie Kepko, a 4 month New Orleans intern, encouraged others to come to grow while using "the skills God has given them and the passions they have to serve their community. ... It gives them the experience of working and living in Christian community with people who are uplifting and supporting you. It also gave me the opportunity to have an influence on teams coming to serve. I could make an impact on their lives. Not to mention, it was a lot of fun.

"With the intern program, I thought originally, I was going to go down and have a job with ReachGlobal, and that was going to be my internship. I didn't realize that was only half of it.



"The other half was focused on helping me grow spiritually and personally, just learning more about myself and God. I thought it was really cool that I was not just there using my gifts to help, but people were really investing in me also. That was a really cool aspect, and Katie Hooks put so much of her life into me and her time. She was really great. She is definitely great at what she does."

Andrew Nilson, an intern in Haiti, explained, "When you want to get good at baseball, you go away for 2 weeks to baseball camp. ... Training to be a disciple of Christ is no different in the sense that it still takes practical training. So, going away for a focused amount of time really influences the likelihood that the person will live differently in their everyday lives."

Do you know someone who wants to discover how God wants them to live in this world? Perhaps an internship with Crisis Response is just what they need


Andrew pointed out,

"God’s heart is for the world, and we often lose sight of that. In our day to day lives, our world is quite small. Going for 2 weeks is great, but it is not the same experience. Spending an amount of time there really opens your eyes to God’s heart. As far as doing it with ReachGlobal, I was highly impressed with their desire to do ministry in a culturally sensitive way. "



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