Wednesday, November 25, 2009


With so many frightening things happening in the world around us, it is easy to take our focus off where it should be. It is good to be informed and active in reform, but we should not be stressing out over the situation in our world. We should be quick to meet the needs of those in distress and firm in standing for the truth revealed in God's Word, but we should not be focused on evil. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

God has done and is doing wonderful things in our lives daily. His power, love, concern, and care are evident over and over again in any given day. He is very active in our world, taking the wrongs people do and the disasters occurring around us and bringing good things out of them. He is more powerful than any force or person in our world. He sees everything, cares, and can bring the greater good out of rotten situations.

We become like what we focus on. What a great reason to focus on God and His goodness! I want to become more and more like Him. Not only at Thanksgiving time, but any time, we should be looking for the good things He is doing and praise Him. He deserves it! Let our focus be on Him.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Enjoying Family

My nieces have adorable children. They are delightful to be around. It is fun being a great aunt. They are an important part of the family.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fun in Louisiana

I have had fun this week interviewing people to hear their stories, taking pictures of missionaries for their prayer cards, and visiting people in New Orleans. I was driving from St Bernard Parish headed to the Ninth Ward when my one tire fell apart. I was able to pull around the corner to get off the road, and then I called AAA. It was a hot wait, but I did get some phone calls made, and I was thankful that I did not break down on the bridge. I heard a really interesting and uplifting story. It is amazing what God does!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Crisis Response Dedication

The building is not done, but the dedication went as scheduled to celebrate the fourth anniversary of Katrina. It has been a very hot week. It was great to hear the stories of what God has been doing. Ex of story told- When the ice machine broke, of course the first volunteer who arrived was an ice machine repair man. God always knows our needs even before we do. Three Bible studies have been formed, but there is a need for more. There are so many new converts and so many seeking, but many churches are still not open, and there is a real need for people to do discipleship and follow-up. Please keep praying for this ministry. They have several people filling out paperwork right now who are interested in coming for a year to do follow-up and discipleship.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Orleans

Work is going well on the Crisis Response Center. It will not be completed for the dedication, but it certainly will be well on its way. I painted the one office yesterday- ceiling and walls, and did a little clean up. A few men from Hershey arrive today to help out. As you can see, we have some very young, but energetic helpers here too. John Horst has done an amazing job getting things organized, although I think he carries items that should be carried by two men. Mark and his kids do a little bit of everything. It is great seeing everyone again. Liam is here for the dedication, and I was happy to see him yesterday.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shauna and Jason

This wedding was held at the Peter Allen House in Dauphin. It was a beautiful location. The weather was perfect. We had a little extra excitement when the bridal party lined up for photos and was joined by a rather large snake. Jason and Shauna met online. This is the second couple I know who have found great mates through the internet.

Enjoying Joyce's House

I am putting the finishing touches on Joyce's house this week. It has been a two year project. I am praying that God will provide the perfect renters. If I had the money, I would rent it myself for a studio. I am using it today for senior pictures. I love the brick walls in the former one room schoolhouse. It has a 13' high window in front which makes great lighting as well. I am thankful to God for all the volunteers and materials He supplied.

Chad graduated from flight mechanics school this week. Now he can concentrate on the flight part of his education at the School of Missions Aviation and Technology in Ionia, Michigan.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I stood in line for a town meeting today, but was too far back to make the cutoff. People were orderly, even though there were a few very passionate discussions. I believe President Obama and Nancy Pelosi have done the most to hurt this bill through their comments. It is too early to know exactly what the bill will look like when it comes times to vote. It is still going through committees. The government has never done well at efficiently and economically running anything, so I do not expect government run health care to end up being a good option. The fact that they are not putting in wording to rule out abortion scares me. I do not want to end up paying for abortions. I believe in free enterprise rather than government control. I was interviewed by CBS and for some internet while there. Pat was interviewed by the New York Times and the Philadelphia Enquirer as well as for the internet. We stopped by Tim Holden's office which was a helpful, informative visit.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nathan's Birthday

I was privileged to be able to share Nathan Tighman's 28th birthday with him. It is exciting to see young adults who are following whole heartedly after God. We live in a generation full of temptations and distractions. So many Christians live like the world around them. They have forgotten who they are in Christ. They have become lukewarm Christians who have lost their impact on the world. In contrast, Nathan and his friends are making a real difference with their lives. May we remember to pray for them. Satan will certainly stand opposed to them. He doesn't fear Christians who live for themselves, but Christians who live for God will make a difference in our world affecting lives for eternity.