Wednesday, April 7, 2021

When You Are Weary


“The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary.  Morning by morning he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.”  Isaiah 50:4


Right now, there are many weary all around us.  Perhaps you are weary as well.  This past year has brought many unexpected turns.  We are having to adjust the way we live life, the way we do ministry, and reevaluate how we can make true change in the way people are treated.

We see so much fear, distrust, anger, frustration, disunity, and uncertainty plaguing those around us.  The key to making a difference in our world is found in being taught by God on a continuing basis.  True wisdom comes from God.  Guidance comes from God.  Changes in the heart that change our lives comes from God.  The ability to truly love comes from God.  Inner peace comes from God.  We need to be in a daily relationship with Him.

For those who have more free time right now, invest in time in God’s word, prayer, and listening to God so you will be equipped to handle life’s problems.  It will also prepare you to help others.  Even without free time, time with God growing to know Him better is essential.  I want to be able to sustain the weary, but first I need to find my strength to go on through Christ.

Our family has had to deal with unemployment, the loss of two close family members, physical injuries, being separated from family and friends, water damage in four rooms, and COVID isolation this past year.  It is draining, and I am thankful I know God is bigger than anything we face.  He never leaves us alone.  Drawing closer to Him is what sustains us.

ReachGlobal Crisis Response Trauma Care has some great resources based on God’s principles to help you deal with your own trauma and to equip you to help others through trauma.  A presentation is available for churches who want to be trained to  help others.  We can be a source of healing to those around us.   Trauma Care promotes healing while developing relationships and  opening doors to share the Gospel or help people grow in Christ.   
Contact to schedule a zoom training.

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