Thursday, November 8, 2018

What She Really Needed

The teams meshed well together
Maureen is a homeowner we are helping in Newport, NC.  She has dealt with a great deal of loss in the past 4 months.  When her son died, One Harbor Church was there to support her immediately.  The pastors have been a great comfort to her, and families from church brought her meals for a couple of weeks.  
Rob and Maureen

This week, teams came together from ReachGlobal Crisis Response under the direction of Rob Passer to replace her roof that was destroyed by Hurricane Florence.  Rob traveled up from Texas to teach the group how to roof, and this was a particularly difficult roof to start with.  The teams from New Jersey and Ohio meshed quickly.  God protected AJ when a shovel fell off the roof barely missing his head.  

Maureen told me, "These teams have been such a blessing to me."  She showed me photos of her son, and we were able to pray together.  She is leaning on God for support.  She shared with Arnold, "The best part was the team prayed with me morning and afternoon.  I know they cared about me."

So many hands working well together

 If you too would like to help but are unsure how, check out

 Email to volunteer or to send a team.

Maureen and the team

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