Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Reason to Be Thankful

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”  Col. 2:6, 7 ESV

It is easy to take things for granted.  We can miss the many little things God does every day of our lives.  We can also miss how God uses others in our lives.  In my recent trip to Haiti, I saw how grateful the Haitians are both to God and others.  Instead of concentrating on what they would like to have, they concentrate on how God is blessing them.  One Haitian told me that he loves how God shows His face every day in Haiti.  God is the one who provides and protects.  He added, “To live life every day, God must show up.”  They also see and appreciate the investment people make in their growth or ministry.  They take time to thank others for investing time, concern, teaching, resources, or encouragement in their lives.

People are moved to appreciation when they know the intent of the action is good, they realize the cost to the giver, and they understand the extent to which it affects their life.  When I reflect on what Jesus did for us, I see that He acted out of great love.  The cost included giving up the glory of Heaven to live life on earth and suffer and die to pay for our sins.  This changes everything in our lives.  We gain forgiveness, become a member of God’s family, gain hope and power and purpose for our lives, and a place in eternity with God.   We should live in awe and gratitude to God. 

Christians should be the most thankful people on earth, and it should affect them every day.  Who in your life has taught you, encouraged you, or invested time or resources to help you?  Take the time to say “thank you”.  Appreciate the gifts God has given you through the people in your life.  Realize every moment you are alive is a gift from God.   Thank Him continually.  How can you, filled with gratitude, live every day for God?  Check out  for ways you can be involved in the lives of others.

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