Saturday, September 13, 2014

The One I Love

Jacqueline, my youngest daughter, shared her thoughts with me.  It is not fun going to school and working while still finding time for ministry.  It is not the easiest time in life.  She thought, “My sister does not want to be where she is, but she is with her husband, the one she loves, and so she is happy to be with him where he is.  I may not be doing what I want or be where I want to be in life, but I am with the one I love, and He will never leave me.”

She is content to be wherever doing whatever, because God is with her, and He is the one she loves.  As a mom, I could not be more pleased than to know the one my daughter loves is God, and He is enough in any situation.  When I feel like complaining, I need to remember that I am with the one I love, and He will never leave me.  I can truly do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

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