Thursday, June 12, 2014

Made It!

At first glance, the words “Made it!” posted by Emily Cruz on Facebook could just mean her two day car ride to Covington, LA was over.  In Emily’s case, it means much more.  After attending meetings In Louisiana in September, Emily knew God wanted her there working with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. 

With the help of Connie and Drew at EFCA, Emily began the ENGAGE short-term application.  In the beginning, she kept up with deadlines as she plowed through paperwork.  Drew was impressed to see someone so young not procrastinating.  This encouraged her to press on.  Pastor Steve Frykholm, Pastor of Small Groups and Missions at Lebanon Area EFC, sat down with Emily and helped her complete her theological questionnaire in one day!  Emily said, “I got so much Jesus at one time. Through the application process, I learned so much about God and grew so much.  I got to see who I was, what traits God gave me, and flaws I needed to work on.  I discovered myself in a new way.”  It was hard sharing intimate details of her life with strangers as she answered questions.

Then came the waiting.  Drew called over Christmas break.  He reviewed the answer could be yes, not yet, or no.  Emily’s heart beat harder wondering if he was preparing her for refusal.  Then Drew added, “I want to be the first to congratulate you.  You have been accepted for summer internship.”  Emily breathed deeply.  She had made it.  It did not sink in immediately that it was not for a full year as she hoped.  With excitement she shared, “Drew, I was blessed to go through the application process.  I learned so much about God and myself and who I am in the eyes of God.”  It was one of the best experiences of her life.  She knew her internship would enable her to grow more in her relationship with God.

She was a little upset about all that work for only summer approval.  Then, she thought, “Get over yourself.”  They had not said “no”, and she knew God had a plan for her.  Spiritual warfare followed with many obstacles and changes in her life.  She focused on her job, her online class, moving, and church, but she did not know how to proceed to find health insurance or raise support. 

Since Drew had many applications to process, Jen took over hers.  In April, Jen called and asked, “How are you doing with support raising?  How are you doing with support letters?  How are you doing with health insurance?”  Emily answered each question, “I don’t know.”  Jen replied, “What do you know?  You realize you can’t go if you don’t get this done?”  Tears were running down Emily’s face as it all sunk in.  She had not been applying what she had learned.

Emily went to her church family, and they jumped in to help her.  They set up an opportunity for her to speak in church and helped her get support letters into church member’s mailboxes.  A Crisis Response staff member made sure she had a display board, prayer cards, and fresh baked cookies for her church display.  As Emily spoke to her church, she saw so many who she knew cared.  People were praying for her and sharing her prayer card.  Her support need was met in a month’s time.  Katie and Ariealle helped her find health insurance.
Emily with Pastor Steve

Emily is finally here.  Her first thought was, “I’m home.”  She reviewed all she had gone through to get here, how her faith had grown, and how she had seen God at work in her life.  She looks forward to what God will do in and through her this summer.
Mallory, Laura-Jean & Emily at Intern House


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