Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Haitian Came to My Door

A Haitian Came to My Door

Haiti has been on my mind so much recently.  I have been checking online to learn more about the people, but I wanted some human contact so I could ask questions.  I took some time off the one day to pray for different needs including the Haiti Summit, and that is the day a Haitian came to my door.  He is up for two months for coursework, but he was helping my neighbor out with some yard work.  My neighbor brought him to my door so I could meet him.  He lives two hours from Port-au-Prince, and he is a born again Christian.

I asked him what he saw as the greatest needs in Haiti.  He replied, “The people need to love their own country.”  He went on to explain that too many Haitians are eager to leave when they have the opportunity.  They need to love their country and people and work to help others in their country.  He was planning on using the education he was getting to help improve things back home.  The second pressing need he saw was for education.  People need a chance to receive an education that can help them advance from poverty.

I asked him what Americans should know coming to Haiti.  The first point he made was to never, ever give Haitians money on the street.  He stressed that it is important that people work for a living and not depend on Americans for easy money.  Like a welfare system, it teaches people to depend on others rather than working for themselves.  He said if you want to help a Haitian, help them have the opportunity to receive an education so they can help themselves and others.  His second point he wanted for Americans to understand was that we are all very blessed.  We have so much and do not realize it.  He hears Americans complain about what they want and do not have, but they often seem to be oblivious to the fact that they have so much more than their brothers and sisters around the world. 

All of us at Hershey and others from churches across the U.S. will have a chance this coming week to have a Haitian come to our door.  On Friday, Haitians will be arriving in Hershey, PA.  Sunday morning at Hershey Free Church, Dr. Jean Dorlus, former President of Seminaire Theologique Evangelique du Port-au-Prince will be the guest speaker for all three services (8 A.M., 9:15 A.M., and 11 A.M.).  In place of the Adult Education Fellowship (AEFs) classes there will be a panel discussion on “The Haitian Church Speaking to the American Church” featuring Dr. Wadestrant, Mark Lewis, Steve Spellman and Bruce McMartin in rooms 401-404.  On Sunday at 6 P.M., Dr. Wadestrant, the son of a voodoo priest, will give his testimony and talk about what a partnership with Haiti will look like.  This will be followed by a concert of prayer.  Here is an opportunity for our church as well as neighboring churches to come and make a difference for Haiti.

The Haiti Summit begins on Monday.  Monday through Wednesday is rich with opportunities for worship, learning about Haiti and how we can help, being enriched by Haitian speakers with keen insights, and meeting with church leaders from across our country who want to be involved helping.  There is a fee for the summit, but it is possible to attend one day or evening for a reduced cost.  You may register as late as Monday, but it is helpful for meal planning if you register in advance.

It is not often that a Haitian comes to our door.  I hope everyone realizes what a rich opportunity this is and we are willing to change our schedules to be open to what God will do this week in your life.

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