Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Shield of Faith


Ephesians 6:16, “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, 2016)

The Roman’s shield, called a scutum, was around 2’x4’, with multiple layers of wood, canvas, and leather with iron reinforcements in the center and around the edges.  This was large enough to cover a soldier completely with extra overlap space to join with others and the ability to hook it on to another soldier’s shield. When soaked in water, it could extinguish burning arrows.

“A shield needed to be large enough to provide reasonable defense, but it also needed to be usable in direct person-to-person combat or to withstand the flight of arrows. Usually, shields also needed to be light enough that carrying them would not immobilize soldiers in action. Consequently, even when metal became available, shields were frequently still made of leather strapped over a wooden frame and then studded with metal. Since operating a bow required two hands, in some situations another person might protect the archer with a shield. This type of shield could be significantly larger than the one normally carried by the infantry.” (Corduan, 2016)

Our shield is faith.  What is faith?  Hebrew 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (ESV)  Faith is believing a truth and then acting on that belief.  Psalm 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (ESV)  God is at the core of our faith.  It is who He is and what He has promised that forms the base of where we put our trust.  We feed our faith through reading God’s Word to learn who God is, what He has accomplished for us, what He has promised, and realizing that He is both powerful and loving. The more we know God, the more our faith grows.  The Bible also says God is our shield.  Our faith is not blind faith, but faith in God.

“God himself is our shield; he is our refuge; he is our hiding place in the day of difficulty; his faithfulness will keep us safe when we are being shot at by arrows, flaming or otherwise.” (Duguid, 2019)  Gen 15:1, Prov 30:5, 

Psalm 3:3, Psalm 28:7, Psalm 119:114

“It is also asserted that faith is closely related to understanding. Note, for instance, the words of Hebrews 11:3: ‘By faith we understand that the world was created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear.’

“From the foregoing, it seems clear that Scripture takes for granted that reason and faith are not two separate and unrelated abilities; rather, they are both inescapably bound up in the structure of the total person. In the final analysis, neither can safely stand alone. Reason without faith may deteriorate into a mere gathering of facts—facts that are never really put together. Faith without reason, on the other hand, can trail off into vagueness and lack of meaning. (Lyon, 1988)

“If there is no solid foundation to faith, then faith itself is worse than useless; it is false and misleading.” (Duguid, 2019)  (1 Cor.15:14)  We need to know what or who we are trusting in.  Faith is built on the God of the universe who has proven to be trustworthy.  It builds strength on the promises found in His Word.  We are in a covenantal relationship with God based on His love for us.

Sonya Valentino explains more about the shield of faith as she speaks to us from the David A. Dorsey Museum of Biblical Archaeology in Myerstown, PA 

“To experience faith as a shield, you need to know not only that God is powerful but that this God is your friend.  God’s sovereignty is not in the least comforting unless you know that this sovereign God is on your side. … Your belief in God won’t shield you if you don’t believe God is for you.” (Duguid, 2019)  It amazes me to think that the creator of the universe loves me and has a plan for my life.  He is fighting for me and empowering me to win the battle before me.

“Faith is the medium by which the power of God is made visible. It moves mountains, heals the sick, and is the means of entrance into the kingdom. It may be mingled with doubt, as with the father who sought healing for his son (“I believe; help my unbelief!” [Mk 9:24]), or as with John the Baptist in prison, who, even with his doubts, was confirmed by Jesus as the greatest of the offspring of woman (Mt 11:2–15).” (Lyon, 1988)  God’s power is available to us.  We need to trust Him and His promises for the miraculous to happen.  It is not the amount of faith that matters, but the object of our faith.  Luke 17:5-6 tells us, “The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’  And the Lord said, ‘If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea,” and it would obey you. ‘“(ESV)

“You don’t need more faith.  You need to know more truth.  This is because faith is the point of access, not the source of power.” (Evans, 2011)  Faith grows as we use it.  It is not the greatness of our faith that accomplishes great things, but the greatness of our God.  We all deal with doubts.  We have faith if we act as God directs even though it is requiring us to step out into fearful territory.  “Our action or inaction is a litmus test that gives us an accurate reading of what we believe to be true about God.…So we can never detect our level of faith (or the faith of another, for that matter) by how we feel, only by what we’re willing to do in obedience to God.” (Shirer, 2018)

Abraham’s faith was revealed when he obeyed God and took Isaac, the son of the promise, and was willing to sacrifice him in obedience. (Genesis 22:1-14)  We can say we have faith in God, but are we willing to follow His instructions to us?  Sometimes the things God directs us to do don’t make sense to us or takes us out of our comfort zone.  Obedience is linked to faith.“… faith is acting as if God is telling the truth.  Another way of saying it is that faith is acting as if something is so even when it appears not to be so in order that it might be shown to be so simply because God said so.  Faith is directly tied to an action done in response to a revealed truth.” (Evans, 2011)  When we step out in faith, God is glorified.  People see Him acting on our behalf and discover His power.  Faith and action tie together.  If we truly have faith in God, we will follow His leading.

“But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’  Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.  You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!” James 2:18-19 You can believe something is true without allowing it to change your life.  I have heard people say they believe Jesus is God’s Son, but they are unwilling to submit their lives to Him.  Having head knowledge is not the same as having life changing faith.  If we have true faith, it changes the way we live our lives.

“Faith is acting on the truth whether I feel the truth or not. It’s acting on the truth whether I like the truth or not.  It’s also acting on the truth whether I agree with the truth or not.  Simply put, faith is a function of the mind that shows up in the feet.” (Evans, 2011)  God’s Word reveals truth.  It may not be something convenient, popular, or easy.  We may struggle with understanding the why or want to change direction to be in line with the culture.  Faith submits to doing things God’s way.

“faith protects us from Satan’s attacks because of what faith enables us to take hold of, namely, the power and protection of God himself.” (Duguid, 2019)  There is no greater resource and protection than having the God of the universe with all His unlimited power fighting for us.

“The second resemblance between faith and a shield is this: not only does the shield defend the whole body, but it defends the soldier’s other armour also.” (Gurnall, 2021)  This helps equip us better for battle.

Our lives are changed when we become a new creation in Christ.  It is what Christ has done in the past that gives us faith for the future.  Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. “

Testudo (Latin for “Tortoise”) was a battlefield tactic where raised shields protected soldiers in battle.  They could not hit the soldiers from above or in front as long as they worked together to form a protective covering.  We do not battle just as a single soldier.  We are part of an army.  The faith experiences of others strengthens our faith.  We support each other, encourage each other, and hold up one another when the attack becomes difficult for us to fight alone.  We are better together.

“Faith reminds us that this war is not all there is.  God has promised us a wonderful future in his presence.  We have a glorious inheritance stored up in Christ in comparison to which our present difficulties will seem like light and momentary afflictions.” (Duguid, 2019)  The best is yet to come!  Our focus is not on this world but what God has promised for eternity.


The figurative use of shields

God is called a shield of his people Ge 15:1 See also 2Sa 22:3; Ps 7:10; 18:2; Pr 2:7

God acts as a shield Ex 14:19-20 See also Isa 52:12; 58:8

God protects his people Isa 31:5 See also Ps 3:3; 12:7; 32:10; 125:2; 140:7; Zec 2:5; 12:8

God is a refuge for his people Ps 144:2 See also Ps 18:30; 119:114; Pr 30:5

God is the help and strength of his people Ps 28:7 See also Dt 33:29; Ps 33:20; 115:9-11

God gives victory to his people 2Sa 22:36 pp Ps 18:35

God’s favour is compared to a shield Ps 5:12 See also Ps 3:3; 32:10; 84:9-11

God’s faithfulness is compared to a shield Ps 91:4

Faith is given to the believer to act as a shield Eph 6:16 See also 1Pe 1:5 (Manser, 2009)

Works Cited

Corduan. (2016). War in the Ancient Near East. In D. B. In J. D. Barry (Ed.), The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

Duguid, I. M. (2019). The Whole Armor of God. Wheaton, IL: Crossway.

Evans, T. (2011). Victory in Spiritual Warfare. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.

Gurnall, W. (2021). The Christian in Complete Armour Volume 3. East Peoria, IL: Versa Press Inc.

Lyon, R. (1988). Faith. In Baker Encyclopedia of teh Bible (Vol. 1, p. 762). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.

Manser, M. (2009). Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies. London: Martin Manser.

Shirer, P. (2018). The Armor of God. Nashville: LifeWay Press.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.