Monday, April 28, 2014

Why God Sends Orange Juice

On Tuesday, a tractor trailer delivered skid loads of orange juice to a local store. The driver was left with an extra skid of orange juice, and the store would not accept it.  The driver called the Samaritan Center who then called us.  They had nowhere to put that much juice, but would be happy to pick up some from us later.  We called 4:13, a drug and rehabilitation ministry, to share the juice with them, and they arrived at the same time as the truck.  That worked out perfectly since the skid loader engine would not turn over and run.  Between staff, staff family, and 4:13 guys, we had a bucket brigade to pass the juice crates to a pallet and to the 4:13 van.

That evening, Carrie took 2 crates of orange juice along to her prayer drive with the House of Prayer.  They prayed for an apartment building they were passing, and one of the men sitting out behind the building waved to them.  The driver felt compelled to stop and talk with the group of tenants.  They handed out orange juice, talked with them for 30 minutes and prayed with them for the many requests including health, finances, and moving.  The orange juice was a real blessing for these families.  One of the ladies is a believer.  Carrie prayed for her and God laid it on Carrie’s heart to pray for the woman’s nerves.  The woman wanted to know how Carrie knew what she specifically needed.  God was the one who knew. 

One man went inside while they prayed, but then came back and asked to speak with them.  He asked for prayer for several family members, but he asked them not to pray in front of him.  They wrote the names down, and they prayed for them later.

The House of Prayer group had been praying for the local churches.  Weldon, the prayer group leader, lives in the same neighborhood with the pastor of Christ Community Church.  When Weldon called him up to offer the pastor some orange juice, Weldon shared what happened earlier.  The pastor knew which building Weldon was talking about, because he had been prayer walking through that neighborhood.  Weldon encouraged the pastor to consider reaching out to the people there, and shared about the families and children there.  The pastor is praying about having the church do some sort of an outreach or VBS there.

Lois and Carrie took a crate of orange juice along with Bible study materials to Foster, a homeowner who takes in homeless.  He is planning on starting a Bible study with those staying with him.  The orange juice will be used to bless other homeowners and upcoming teams coming to rebuild homes and lives.

It is amazing how many prayers were answered and how much good came from an extra skid of orange juice.  God works in amazing ways!