I cannot sleep tonight. My heart is broken for the people in Colorado devastated by the flooding. I have been praying for families, churches, and communities who have been torn apart unexpectedly. A neighbor is found dead, people are trapped in their communities, families are in temporary shelters, possessions are lost, there is uncertainty about the future, businesses are destroyed, church members are separated by flood waters, and the list goes on.
This is a time when people need help and hope. Access is limited to emergency personnel at this point and some communities are still inaccessible. At this point, prayer is needed for wisdom in how to proceed. Meetings are being held in the next few days that will hopefully result in Christians partnering together to help this devastated area. ReachGlobal Crisis Response personnel are there helping already and equipping local churches with insights gained from other disasters.
There will be many opportunities soon to help people winterize, clean up properties, gut homes, and start the process of restoration of lives. Perhaps you will be able to come help. Perhaps you can provide finances for someone else to come, supplies needed to help, or basic food needs. If you want to come with a team, e-mail crisisresponse@efca.org. Check out the blog at http://reachglobalcrisisresponse.wordpress.com/ for up to the moment stories on what is happening in the lives of Colorado residents. For ways to be involved, see http://go.efca.org/resources/announcement/colorado-flood-response.
Our hearts should be broken for these people, and it should affect how we respond.