Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fun in Louisiana

I have had fun this week interviewing people to hear their stories, taking pictures of missionaries for their prayer cards, and visiting people in New Orleans. I was driving from St Bernard Parish headed to the Ninth Ward when my one tire fell apart. I was able to pull around the corner to get off the road, and then I called AAA. It was a hot wait, but I did get some phone calls made, and I was thankful that I did not break down on the bridge. I heard a really interesting and uplifting story. It is amazing what God does!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Crisis Response Dedication

The building is not done, but the dedication went as scheduled to celebrate the fourth anniversary of Katrina. It has been a very hot week. It was great to hear the stories of what God has been doing. Ex of story told- When the ice machine broke, of course the first volunteer who arrived was an ice machine repair man. God always knows our needs even before we do. Three Bible studies have been formed, but there is a need for more. There are so many new converts and so many seeking, but many churches are still not open, and there is a real need for people to do discipleship and follow-up. Please keep praying for this ministry. They have several people filling out paperwork right now who are interested in coming for a year to do follow-up and discipleship.